
The Vocational School for Catering and Hotel Industry Workers in Iwonicz-Zdrój is a school with traditions, for over 50 years educating students in service professions related to gastronomy, hotel and tourism industry. At ZSGH, teaching is conducted at the technical and vocational level. These are :

  • 4-year technical school: waiter, hospitality technician, nutrition and catering services technician, food technology technician;
  • 3-year 1st degree vocational school: cook, confectioner, baker;
  • 3-year 1st degree special vocational school: cook, confectioner, baker, auxiliary staff in hotel service;
  • 3-year special school preparing for work.

The school emphasizes practical vocational training in specialized classrooms: catering, confectionary, consumer service, hotel and practical exercises laboratory. The classrooms and computer labs are all well-eqipped. There is also a boarding school for 112 students. It offers full board, study rooms and qualified staff.
The school works with companies in Iwonicz-Zdrój and Krosno region, as well as the entire country, organizing internships for their own and foreign students. The school is an accredited center conducting examinations confirming professional qualifications. Students and teachers prepare and serve banquets, parties, symposia, conferences, fairs, shows, etc., gaining a variety of professional experience. The school enables students to acquire additional skills and qualifications during specialized courses, including baristic, bartending, sommelier, carving, confectionery, Fusion cuisine, sushi workshops and diet catering.

In 2016-2018, the project „Skarby regionów Europy/Treasure regions” financed by the European Union under the POWER program on the Erasmus + principles was implemented at ZSGH. Four 16-member groups of students took part in 4-week internships in hotels and restaurants in Malaga, Sofia, Bologna and Reggio Emilia. The trainees worked, gained new experiences, learned foreign languages, took courses in Spanish, Bulgarian and Italian cuisine, learned about regional products and dishes, learned how to prepare them, visited the most beautiful places, and made new acquaintances.

Another project implemented at ZSGH „Zawodowo doskonali/Practically perfect” offers students the opportunity to take part in 4-week internships in Spain, Portugal or Italy. The project, which began on 1 September 2018 and will last until 30 June 2020, will also be implemented within the POWER program and financed entirely from European Union funds.